Saturday, November 19, 2011

In what ways is Barack Obama NOT like Abraham Lincoln? Have the comparisons gone too far?

The media is abuzz with suggestions that the great past leader from Illinois -- the "Land of Lincoln" -- is now emerging again in spirit via Barack Obama coming into power in Washington.

While there may be similarities between Lincoln and Obama by COMPARISON, this question is soliciting the CONTRASTS that come to your mind.

Is Obama already of Lincoln-esque proportions in our national conscience even before he is installed into office?

What's going on?|||The most obvious and superficial is that Lincoln was white and Obama is black.

Lincoln was a Republican, Obama is a Democrat.

Lincoln was born in Illinois, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Lincoln served in the Illinois House of Representatives, Obama was in the Illinois Senate

Lincoln served in the U.S. House of Representatives, Obama was in the U.S. Senate

Lincoln had been out of the Congress for 12 years when he was elected President, Obama was a sitting Senator when he was elected.

Lincoln was not on the ballot in nine states, Obama was on the ballot in all states.

Lincoln did not win a majority of the popular vote for his first term (due to the fact that he was not on the ballot in nine states); Obama did.|||obama wouldn't have emancipated the slaves|||They truly have nothing in common. All this new aged Lincoln talk is a bunch of bullcrap. He is doing a great job of getting the media to promote this non-sense though.|||hahahaha You are kidding right? He is NOTHING like Abraham Lincoln...Oh my gosh...who is comparing him to THAT wonderful President of the past?

I guess I am not listening to the media lately...they only give what they want to give...and run with it. None of it is truth anymore.

They are trying to build OBAMA up before the greatest ERROR (not era) gets off to a running start! They are trying to make him fly before he even starts the engine.

It amazes me considering all his lies even AFTER he was elected that he is allowed to get away with and people still are mesmerized by him.

Give it a year or will find the smell is off the rose and he was a HUGE mistake.

I will keep my money...I will keep my guns...I will keep my freedom....YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE!|||There is no comparison.. Lincoln was a great man. Obama is not! Lincoln did many great things for this country. Obama will not !

Lincoln freed he slaves. Obama will continue welfare for the freed slaves.

I think it is a joke that he has to compare himself to such a great man that did so many wonderful things for our country.|||It's just the way these times we live in are and what a sad state our society in this country is in. The guy hasn't set foot in the office yet and the media is making him a national hero. Other than the state of Illinois, there is nothing in common. Lincoln emerged from Illinois long before it turned into the corrupt political cesspool that spawned BO.

Obama doesn't have to play dumb. he is d u m b.|||Obama is like Lincoln in no way whatsoever.|||I honestly can't think of one way Obama is like Lincoln. I think he just wants to associate with the best president we've had. Perhaps he is aiming for his face to be on money. Big ego he has.|||I think politics have gone to far .There is no middle ground nor a politician who is going to honestly help the Americans in this country that need it|||He's not a white racist, he wasn't raised in dire poverty. He isn't Lincoln, he has nothing in common with Lincoln. He uses Lincoln as a piece of clothing.|||An Historic Event"..that's all I keep hearing. I don't see what the BIG deal is! It happens every day..... When January 20, 2009 rolls around, it'll just be another black family moving into government housing.|||lincoln was a racist. lincoln was a republican. lincoln wrote his own speechs. lincoln did not lie. lincoln has alot more expierence. lincoln would not support social welfare programs. lincoln would not agree with any of obamas ideas actually.

obama wants to spend alot of money. lincoln spent alot of money...ON THE WAR. they both divided the country.they are both from illinoise

The emmancipation proclamation did not free a single slave. The proclamation said that it would free all the slaves in states opposing the union. and since all the states opposing the union were not incontrol of the union they could not free a slave. as for the states like missouri it did not free slaves there either because they did not fight against the union and kept there slaves.|||Lincoln had far less political experience and formal education... Also, he played dumb so that people would underestimate him. Obama doesn't do that.

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