Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you think Abraham Lincoln was a good president?

Do you think Abraham Lincoln was a good president? Do you think he was a good person?|||I think he was a great president and a good person. He had to be, he was president at one of the worst periods in our history.|||Is it really possible to answer this, considering he died a good century before many of us here were even born?

I personally believe that one has to live through a president's term(s) in office, in order to make a determination on said president's character and job performance.|||I'm not so sure. Sometimes I think Lincoln should have let the Southern states go. I don't think the loss of states' rights and growth of federal authority since the Civil War has been good for our country.|||He brought about the emancipation proclimation, so I would sa that he was one of the best. But he was assasinated before he could try to give the black man the right to vote.|||omg yes! he was my favourite president :D he abolished the slave trade and died a martyr =D

he's a hero in my eyes :D

- Joseph (from Ireland) :)|||he did what he had to do|||I believe he was both.A statesman.

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